Dated the 9 Bhadrapada, 1929 Saka
31st August 2007
Household Consumer Expenditure Among Socio-Economic Groups: 2004 – 2005
Report No. 514 on “Household Consumer Expenditure Among Socio-Economic Groups: 2004 - 2005” based on the seventh quinquennial survey on Household Consumer Expenditure carried out during the NSS 61st round (July, 2004 - June, 2005) by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has been released. This is the last report in the series of seven reports planned to be brought out on the basis of the survey. The report is based on the information on socio-economic characteristics of the households viz, social group, household type ascertained on the basis of means of livelihood, land possessed by the households in rural areas and the commodity-specific data on household consumption collected from the sample households. Four social groups, viz., Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), Other Backward Classes (OBC) and the residual class (Others) were considered for the collection of the information on social group. It is important to note that the social group reported for head of the household was taken to be the social group of all members of that household and the information recorded in this regard was based entirely on the response of the informant and not ascertained from any official list of social groups. All the data are provided separately for rural and urban sectors of each State and UTs of India.
Like all regular NSS surveys, the present survey covered practically the whole of the Indian Union. All States and Union Territories were covered under the survey except some interior areas of Nagaland, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, and Ladakh and Kargil districts of Jammu & Kashmir. The survey was spread over 7999 villages and 4602 urban blocks covering 79298 rural and 45346 urban households respectively.
Some findings of the survey are given below:
· The estimated share of rural population in the total population was 74.68%. The shares of the social groups - Scheduled Tribe (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), Other Backward Classes (OBC), and the residual class (Others) in the Indian population (rural and urban combined) was found to be 8.63%, 19.59%, 40.94% and 30.80% respectively.
· In the country, 91.4 percent of ST population was in rural areas. The corresponding percentages for SC, OBC and others were 79.8, 78.0 and 62.3 respectively.
· In rural India, 64.3% of the population is dependent on agriculture as a major source of livelihood, either as self-employed in agriculture (39.4%) or as agricultural labour (24.9%). In this sector, population dependent on self-employment (in agriculture plus non-agriculture) was reported to be 49.0% for ST, 36.6% for SC, 60.7% for OBC and 66. 4% for ‘others’ and that dependent on rural (agricultural or non-agricultural) labour was 56.4% for SC, 45.2% for ST, 30.7% for OBC and 21.8% for ‘others’. In urban India, the proportion of population located in regular wage/salary earning households was almost the same (42.0% – 42.9%) for all social groups except the OBC (34.3%). Dependence on self-employment was more prevalent for OBC (46.4%), as well as for the residual class (45.3%), than the SC (30.9%) and ST (27.4%).
· The percentage shares of cereals, food and non-food items in total monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) of the rural population were 18.01%, 55.05%, and 44.95%, while for the urban population these were 10.05%, 42.51% and 57.49%. At all-India level, rural-urban differential in the level of average MPCE was the least in cereals and most in non-food items and this was also true with minor variations across the social groups.
· With minor exceptions, the general level of total MPCE of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in a State/UT was lower than the level enjoyed by OBC or the residual ‘others’ while that of the social group OBC was lower than that of the residual ‘others’ but closer to the average for the rural or urban sector.
· In the rural areas, the proportion of the population having MPCE below the average level (Rs. 558.8) was found to be 65.7% for the entire population, 77.4% for population located in SC households, 79.6% for ST, 64.1% for OBC and 53.3% for ‘others’. Similarly, in urban areas, the proportion of the population having MPCE below the average level (Rs. 1052.4) was found to be 67.1% for the entire population, 84.0% for population located in SC households, 74.3% for ST, 75.4% for OBC and 54.5% for ‘others’.
· In rural India, the average MPCE (Rs.415.65) of persons belonging to the household type ‘agricultural labour’ is the lowest among all the household types. This is followed by the average MPCE (Rs.519.81) of persons belonging to the household type ‘other labour’ - lower than the average MPCE (Rs.583.48) of persons belonging to the household type ‘self-employed in agriculture’ or the average MPCE (Rs.604.41) of persons belonging to the household type ‘self-employed in non-agriculture’. Thus, the self-employed households are better-off than the agricultural and other labour households. The average MPCE (Rs.818.19) of persons belonging to the household type ‘others’ is the highest among all the household types.
· In urban India, the average MPCE (Rs.579.63) of persons belonging to the household type ‘casual labour’ is the lowest among all the household types. This is followed by the average MPCE (Rs.982.35) of persons belonging to the household type ‘self-employed’. The average MPCE (Rs.1212.66) of persons belonging to the household type ‘regular wage/salary earning’ is lower than the average MPCE (Rs.1444.97) of persons belonging to the household type ‘others’.
State-wise average monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) across various social groups is given in the Annex.
State-wise average monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) across social groups
STATES | Rural | Urban |
ST | SC | OBC | Others | ALL | ST | SC | OBC | Others | ALL |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) |
Major States |
Andhra Pradesh | 430.01 | 495.06 | 580.98 | 721.72 | 585.55 | 697.61 | 829.37 | 908.33 | 1244.46 | 1018.55 |
Assam | 560.27 | 511.06 | 572.77 | 533.15 | 543.18 | 829.62 | 811.15 | 1111.34 | 1124.56 | 1057.99 |
Bihar | 394.60 | 344.68 | 419.58 | 511.73 | 417.11 | 937.65 | 639.10 | 614.96 | 856.08 | 696.27 |
Chhattisgarh | 361.67 | 489.61 | 444.16 | 506.44 | 425.10 | 819.42 | 696.68 | 869.26 | 1364.88 | 989.97 |
Gujarat | 483.59 | 521.58 | 546.46 | 822.93 | 596.09 | 920.12 | 942.95 | 845.35 | 1288.88 | 1115.20 |
Haryana | 986.69 | 572.90 | 755.22 | 1155.34 | 862.89 | 1554.30 | 700.41 | 896.20 | 1394.86 | 1142.35 |
Jharkhand | 389.14 | 382.81 | 441.60 | 503.56 | 425.30 | 653.68 | 718.46 | 807.79 | 1357.89 | 985.43 |
Karnataka | 426.80 | 417.75 | 494.28 | 602.94 | 508.46 | 638.27 | 680.59 | 832.18 | 1331.38 | 1033.21 |
Kerala | 518.05 | 753.11 | 995.62 | 1191.32 | 1013.15 | 1515.74 | 756.19 | 1187.79 | 1671.81 | 1290.89 |
Madhya Pradesh | 342.71 | 383.77 | 463.93 | 595.85 | 439.06 | 717.64 | 585.06 | 677.98 | 1246.21 | 903.68 |
Maharashtra | 418.13 | 457.22 | 578.70 | 659.37 | 567.76 | 880.59 | 866.63 | 967.89 | 1326.78 | 1148.27 |
Orissa | 283.97 | 362.93 | 434.97 | 523.24 | 398.89 | 548.68 | 500.55 | 679.84 | 923.15 | 757.31 |
Punjab | 640.64 | 651.86 | 828.48 | 1063.88 | 846.75 | 846.56 | 809.82 | 988.20 | 1704.07 | 1326.09 |
Rajasthan | 464.20 | 527.25 | 636.30 | 666.94 | 590.83 | 861.05 | 739.17 | 789.76 | 1259.17 | 964.02 |
Tamil Nadu | 497.80 | 476.27 | 640.49 | 1010.95 | 602.17 | 951.84 | 748.58 | 1027.28 | 1952.13 | 1079.65 |
Uttar Pradesh | 479.04 | 454.55 | 528.36 | 648.56 | 532.63 | 960.25 | 637.45 | 702.31 | 1103.13 | 857.05 |
West Bengal | 442.08 | 529.55 | 635.68 | 587.34 | 562.11 | 867.87 | 766.89 | 984.57 | 1234.40 | 1123.61 |
Other States/UTs |
A & N Islands | - | - | 761.75 | 1071.34 | 1069.08 | 1758.19 | - | - | 1803.38 | 1802.39 |
Arunachal Pradesh | 783.68 | 1103.85 | 590.71 | 735.77 | 771.53 | 858.84 | 740.07 | 1069.03 | 888.77 | 881.10 |
Chandigarh | - | 986.23 | 728.94 | 872.38 | 862.75 | 963.17 | 1042.62 | 1305.67 | 2069.27 | 1769.52 |
Dadra & N. Haveli | 478.53 | 1466.54 | 1078.67 | 1306.93 | 569.80 | 1013.77 | 587.63 | 1651.75 | 1577.04 | 1407.50 |
Daman & Diu | 936.62 | 2453.22 | 891.64 | 1489.08 | 1160.89 | 1078.41 | 1274.39 | 917.37 | 1104.68 | 1079.59 |
Delhi | - | 722.28 | 710.95 | 1028.62 | 918.50 | 1096.96 | 796.29 | 918.75 | 1606.60 | 1319.31 |
Goa | 1948.59 | 804.60 | 608.33 | 992.26 | 985.49 | - | 766.28 | 940.43 | 1638.01 | 1431.97 |
Himachal Pradesh | 786.81 | 635.69 | 752.45 | 896.19 | 798.11 | 1282.45 | 1022.33 | 994.57 | 1546.69 | 1390.07 |
Jammu & Kashmir | 719.55 | 744.37 | 757.18 | 812.04 | 793.16 | 2201.40 | 875.94 | 893.82 | 1085.20 | 1070.12 |
Lakshadweep | 1316.91 | 670.00 | 1093.90 | 2045.95 | 1312.55 | 1405.50 | 1834.00 | 1109.10 | 2054.61 | 1421.22 |
Manipur | 552.80 | 583.71 | 669.92 | 654.47 | 614.20 | 756.26 | 773.83 | 721.83 | 706.65 | 726.38 |
Meghalaya | 652.17 | 644.40 | 834.06 | 668.12 | 655.30 | 1156.46 | 1779.16 | 1071.76 | 1285.69 | 1190.09 |
Mizoram | 779.85 | 1252.90 | 688.29 | 632.75 | 778.35 | 1201.22 | 1284.57 | 800.23 | 1569.86 | 1200.51 |
Nagaland | 1019.99 | - | 588.53 | 1328.68 | 1010.81 | 1552.92 | 1068.15 | 1218.95 | 1400.75 | 1498.47 |
Pondicherry | - | 480.15 | 868.82 | 1645.60 | 735.31 | 1004.38 | 562.10 | 1028.49 | 1334.23 | 1022.53 |
Sikkim | 655.36 | 753.25 | 700.56 | 740.31 | 688.53 | 1233.21 | 838.51 | 1145.65 | 1048.75 | 1106.79 |
Tripura | 435.67 | 480.48 | 513.59 | 519.23 | 487.63 | 1142.77 | 700.42 | 836.58 | 1166.51 | 1000.54 |
Uttaranchal | 568.68 | 553.94 | 618.70 | 705.34 | 647.15 | 826.90 | 714.61 | 765.11 | 1111.37 | 978.26 |
All India | 426.19 | 474.72 | 556.72 | 685.31 | 558.78 | 857.46 | 758.38 | 870.93 | 1306.10 | 1052.36 |